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Barker Ross Industrial Team Walk 1.5 Million Steps

The Adam Barry Foundation were delighted to receive the news from Barker Ross, recruitment specialist based across the UK, that we had been nominated by the team at Barker Ross as there charity of the year for 2024, with the aim of undertaking various fundraising initiatives across the business to raise as much money as they can for the foundation.

One of the initiatives to date was undertaken by the Industral Team in Leicester, who were collectively trying to walk 1.5 million steps in the month of June. Thats a lot of steps with only 8 people!!!

However, the team smashed it and have raised awesome £661 to date. To the BR Industrial team, you are superstars.

There are other initiatives that team member at BR are undertaking such as 10k runs and Tim Sutcliffe, MD and all round legend, who has a morbid fear of Bee’s, and is attempting to spend several hours with a few thousand bees, to get to the stage where he can remove the protective clothing and be at one with them for a while. Yikes!!!

You smashed it!!! Heartfelt thanks for your outstanding effort, and for raising such a large amount of funds, that will go towards “putting smiles back on faces ” in memory of Adam.